Tuesday, September 22, 2009

While I Was Sleeping...

...everything changed.

One of my favorite chick flicks is While You Were Sleeping, starring Sandra Bullock and Peter Gallagher. Gallagher develops amnesia after being mugged, and all sorts of mayhem ensues when Bullock, who has a secret crush on him, tells his family she is his fiance. Eventually, she falls in love with Gallagher's brother (played by Bill Pullman, who is much cuter than Gallagher, IMO. When Gallagher wakes up and finds out he has a fiance who is in love with his brother, Bullock tells him it all happened "while you were sleeping."

Well, while I was sleeping, ie, taking about 18 months off from real estate investing, the market changed and wow! I'm having to learn all over again. But since I'm a lifelong learner, that's OK by me. In fact, it's fantastic!

For one, it's all REOs now instead of dealing with motivated sellers. Yay!
Two, Realtors are now my best friend instead of the enemy. Yay!
Three, buyers want nice houses, not stinky houses. Triple Yay, Yay, Yay!
And four, the new gurus are kids! Yay!

Well, kids to me...I'm 52, and I am currently learning how to handle these new market changes from several twentysomethings who are out there making wads of cash, then sharing their expertise through videos and blogs.

More yays! I love it that young people, Gen Y, whatever, are stepping outside the box and doing what their parents didn't try until their 40s or in some cases, not at all.

There is a much more giving spirit in real estate investing than there was a few years ago.

For instance, three years ago my partner and I went to a short sale seminar taught by "gurus" in which we were told to manipulate the seller, try to convince them not to declare bankruptcy even if it was in their best interest (because then you wouldn't get the deal, would you?) and more. It was a real turn-off. I felt like if I followed these gurus' methods I would violate my principles. So therefore, I never did too much in the way of short sales, when in reality there probably were people I could have helped, and I could have made money.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago when I listened to a webinar by the Short Sale Kid. Interestingly, I first heard of him last summer from Barry Owen, my then broker at Keller Williams Green Hills.

The Short Sale Kid is a twentysomething with orange hair who lives in FL, and does short sales, makes a ton of money, has developed a course to teach others, and teaches others how to treat the sellers, who happen to be in foreclosure and stressed to the max anyway, with dignity and respect. Plus, he doesn't rip them off or lie or manipulate! And his website is www.shortsaleriches.com, if you want to check it out.

Who says the world, or at least America, is not becoming a kinder, gentler place?

Well, that's about all for now. I am excited about continuing this new adventure into the world of REOs and sharing tips and information with you. I also will from time to time, include information on developing a consciousness of abundance, and using the Law of Attraction to make your life easier.

Talk to you again soon!